The Blowback Prophecy Is Here
For the past several months (more like years), we've been receiving messages of profound shifts and changes coming our way, and they're here. Starting with the US election results sending shock waves across the globe, and now to those who voted in favor of the winner (whom I reframe from naming). It's simply astonishing to see the mass buyer's remorse, when the truth was being revealed in plain sight. Now you're mad, and surprised? Too late. You buy it, you won it. Then we have the climate change deniers. What will it take for them to understand that the millions who've passed away from crazy, catastrophic weather events, from flooding due to extreme rain fall, fire's fueled by unpredictable shifting winds through drought ridden territory's, strong earthquakes volcanic activity. All of this has cost billions in damage, plus the invaluable lives lost. And in closing, human rights (specifically those in the Trans Community) being scapegoated for so...