The Sweet Spot Of Life



 If there's one life lesson that I've come to terms with being the absolute truth of the human experience. That is, we get (experience) exactly what we focus and feel the strongest towards. For millennia, humanity has had countless gurus, sages, mystics, and saints teach this, and yet, it ignored due to the ego wanting what it wants without conditions. Meaning, I refuse to take responsibility or accountability for the possible manifestation not living up to my wishes. And the clincher is, we'll honor a victory for putting in the work, or a fluke of fortune; while a loss or misfortune of another as getting what they deserve. How does this even make sense?  Yes, life does come with the unexpected, but without it, we wouldn't be able to expand our creativity, and explore the infinite options available for us. It's impossible to know what you want without knowing what you don't want. A limited outlook will lead to limited results, and we have only ourselves to blame. Just as you can't get blood from a turnip, you can't live the life you want being stuck in thinking small. Successful people think outside their comfort zones and conditioned mindsets. 

 A phrase I use often regarding manifesting the life you desire to have is: What you think and feel, life reveals. The circumstances and situations we find ourselves in are based upon our thinking and feeling them into our physical reality. Motivational Speaker and author, Mike Dooley, refers to this as our thoughts turn to things. Even Jesus gave the same message in the KJV James 4:2-3 Ye ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts. What these two examples convey is that the universe, God, Spirit, Allah, whatever higher power you ascribe to, will only give you what is truly in alignment with your thoughts and feelings about it. This is the reason so many of us live frustrated and unhappy lives, we truly don't believe we deserve anything better than our current circumstances. Why do we choose to fixate on the unwanted and not dream the desired into our reality? Freedom of creative expression is a key factor of living. And don't even start blaming your upbringing environment. I heard this recently from a fellow tarot/oracle reader: Tradition is really peer pressure asserted by dead people. That hit a nerve. Just because you come from a long history of messed up cycles, does not mean you have to follow them. 

 Here's my take on the recipe for manifesting the life you want. The thoughts are the inspiration. This ignites the emotions, which give birth to passion. Our passion is kicks us into action to receive (give birth to, essentially) our desired results. And the unexpected is the stream of miracles that take place along the way (synchronicities) that provide paths of the least resistance to them. Having faith and consciously exercising it daily will allow your intuitive facilities to remain sharp and bring excitement along the journey. It is a journey. It is a game to be enjoyed. Take a look at a child, you ask them what they want to eat, and they tell you expecting it to be delivered. They don't ask for the backstory and logistics of its coming. No, they have faith that you offered them freedom of choice, and now you will provide it. There's no difference with the way we manifest in our adulthood. Just as you can't give away what you don't have; you can't receive what you hope to be if you are filled with doubt about it. Spirit wants us to have all that we desire, but most of us settle for the things and people and don't, and place the blame on everyone and everything but ourselves.

 As we move into the Age of Aquarius (a 2,160-year period of ingenuity and discovery), don't you think it's time to drop the old ways of being and embrace the potential waiting in the unknown and the new. Are you willing to stop recreating and rehashing the predictable toxic relationships and negative situations that don't serve you and those attached to them? Do you want to break free from old belief systems, rules, and regulations designed to keep you feeling small and trapped? Have you reached a point in your life where you're sick and tired of being, sick and tired of repeating expected behavioral patterns and antiquated role play? I encourage you to reclaim your power and divine right to create the life that you envision and believe is yours to have.I know for myself, these past couple of years have been extremely liberating, reclaiming my creativity and not feeling guilty or undeserving of it. It's been a profound life-changing experience, and well worth the lessons, for now, I will not go back to the old version of the wounded mindset I was so enmeshed in.Self-love, self-care, and self-worth are the keys to freedom, and freedom is where the sweet spot of life is. 
If you'd like to have a tarot/oracle reading with me, you can book at my website link posted below. 

Namaste, Love, Light, and Ashe,
Terry (Founder @Trinity Readings And Healings) 


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