Welcome To the New Age

  With the recent US election behind us, I'm reminded of the scripture:  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1st Thessalonians 5:3 KJV) Millions cast their votes for forces that made promises they cannot keep, let alone had any intention of fulfilling. The masks have starting to fall off just as fast as the results.
We are now witnessing the implosion of a system that no longer serves the greater good, called greed. 
 The world has a front row seat of buyer's remorse and incredible choices based upon disinformation and willful ignorance of the masses. Have we not heard the message that life as we've come to know it is ending? Well, here is that Jenga piece that really shifted awake to how much poison the collective conscious of humanity has been consuming. 
  Now the work begins to release outdated systems and belief structures that have long plagued the planet. Now is the time to heal and rebuild the negative mindset we've been held under for far too long. We can no longer ignore the man behind the curtain pulling the leavers that blow smoke of delusions and fires of fear to manipulate and control us. The power is in our hands and the forces for good are on our side. 
 The narcissistic male energies that have been lording over us, and denying the feminine, are now prepared to meet their karmic justice. Balance will be restored, and yes, it will be ugly, and it will take time, but it is set in motion. Embracing compassion and empathy for each other is being implemented and grounded, in exchange for greed, competition, and prejudice. The Age of Aquarius is here, folks. Get ready for profound shifts and life altering changes for elevating humanity. Technology needs to be revamped for positive influences, and not the hate machine it's been co-opted for in our media. 
 We all must do our part in ushering in the new paradigm of individual responsibility and accountability (the planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is the champion of this). It's imperative to reach beyond our limited mindsets, marginalizing one another, and operating on hazards. Enough is enough. Haven't we lost enough? Look at much damage we've done the Earth and her resources?  Why are we persisting on giving our power over to corrupt officials and corporations who have no empathy?
 You can't unsee what has been revealed, so we must dive deep within our individual selves and get to healing the issues that need our attention. We must move forward with everyone in mind. And with so much technology and other resources at our disposal, we have no excuses. Freedom is only given when you take the risks to leave, and never turn back. It's time to get right with G.O.D. (Great, Omnipotent, Divine) consciousness and do the work of creating space that fosters love, creative expression, and healing for everyone, and especially the planet, our key source of existence. Get to work!
Namaste, Love, Light, and Ashe,

Terry (Founder @TrinityReadingsAndHealings.com)

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