Cold Moon, Cold Facts

I don't know about y'all reading this, but this recent full moon in Gemini, called the Cold Moon, is one for the records. Not only will be feeling the effects of Mercury Retrograde until January 1st of 2025, we have Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Chiron in play bringing up long forgotten issues, and unmasking hidden agendas and secrets. We see this on the global and local news, as well as in our own individual environments. All of these planets are wreaking havoc on the global consciousness of humanity. The great awakening is in full effect. It's amazing to see the results and impact of the US election has on the world stage. 

 If this year has taught me one thing, that thing is the importance of setting healthy boundaries and sticking with them. In the Tarot, there's a card titled Queen of Swords. She represents standing in one's truth and not giving audience to those who don't. She's been through enough relationships to see that people will exploit her kindness and emotional intelligence as a sign of weakness. But little do they know when she's made aware of this, she will let you know exactly what she's packing and just how much power she really wields (the sword representing truth, justice, and discernment). She has no time for puppy love, just the facts.

My dreams have been off the charts with cameos of people and events I've forgotten about. They're not all negative, just a long cast of past characters I don't associate with. Some have been asking me to forgive them for past wrongs I haven't thought of in decades; while others have shown no remorse for what they did and want a repeat. Not happening. All is forgiven, and the lessons learned not will not be forgotten. My pattern of forgiving and allowing for sloppy seconds and thirsty thirds from toxic people is over. 

  I see this year closing out with a strong sense of poetic justice, ironic karma if you will. I've said it for years, life as we've come to know it is coming to an end. And here we stand on the edge of accountability and responsibility for our actions and lack thereof at this moment. Humanity must evolve if it is to survive, and no amount of money will solve the challenges we are facing. Ignoring the long held issues of inequality and greed will not sustain our future. The hoarding of resources and marginalizing, whoever the target du jour is, must cease. Time is up for The Great And Mighty Oz, to drop the act and for us to pay attention to what's really going on, and not the illusions that have been spun for centuries. 

  So welcome to the Age Of Aquarius. Where old structures of governance, technology, thinking, and restrictions placed on humanity are abolished, and replaced with innovations, amazing technologies, establishing politics of inclusion, and establishing long sustainable conditions for humanity. Evolution is a thing. Being stuck in this antiquated paradigm of self-destruction at the expense of greed has not only hurt countless souls, but also the ecosystem we call home. Global warming is a thing. Time is of the essence, people. We're not going back or staying in place.

 We need to tap into our hearts and embrace compassion and empathy for one another, and stop fighting for titles and belief systems that no longer fit our current state. Change cannot be stopped, not matter how hard you resist it. It's time to step into individual responsibility and accountability to help our fellow man live life anew. Love is the key here. It is the way, the truth, and the light that will lead us out of this darkness, we've been conditioned to accept, not being willfully ignorant. There's more than enough resources on this planet for us to thrive, it's the greed for them that is the problem. A loving mindset is one that's inclusive and shares, this is the direction we're hided. Get on board.

If you would like to have a spiritual consultation or energy healing with me, feel free to book at the link below.



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