My Self-Healing Journey
Self-healing is a thing. We've witnessed, experienced, heard, and read of stories of our fellow humans healing themselves. From a placebo trial to seeking the service of a faith/psychic healer, healing has been an integral part of our human experience. From a headache to terminal illness, our ability to shift our state of being of dis-ease to full recovery is within our means, but fewer people tap into this powerful gift. Here's a bit of my personal journey that applied to me, as I'm well aware we all respond to life challenges differently when it comes to our health.
I'm a living example of this power. Ten years ago, I was dealt a double dose of devastating news around my 50th birthday, Stage Four Prostate Cancer, and HIV+(undetectable to this day). The cancer news had the biggest blow because it was extremely aggressive. The cancer had reached a point where it was inoperable, and my lab results (the most painful part of all this) validated the positive blood work. My urologist, at the time, promised to seek other alternatives to keep me alive and not to lose hope. Thankfully, he found something.
My mom asked me if I wanted her to accompany me for support regarding my lab results, and I'm glad that she did. I sat in silent shock when my urologist told me that all the samples came back positive, and she took over. She asked the questions that I was too stunned to address or even think about. Seeing her resolve and clarity, in retrospect, was a marvel. I actually felt bad for her more than myself because she had already lost another adult child (my oldest sister) a few years before.
When we left the doctor's office, we both took deep breaths in unison, before walking the long open corridor. There was a moment when I had a clam wash over me, clearing away the intensity of the news. I put my arm around my mom's waist, and kissed her forehead, and she put her arm around mine, and we had another deep breath in unison. I then told her, that I was thankful for having lived for as long as I had despite the news, and she agreed. We didn't have an emotional outburst, just calm.
That night, I meditated on my health, and I sent my body love and healing vibrations as I pictured myself coming out of this completely healed. I called on my spirit team and guides to work on prepping me for the radiation therapy, and to help me to keep a positive mindset, which is crucial in healing. In my dreams, I was visited by some cosmic beings who told me I was not going to be fine, and to make the necessary changes to support healing. All I had to do was follow my intuition and trust the process.
So the following morning, I got to work on the web looking at necessary diet changes, and some herbal remedies. I knew some to purchase, having worked at a herbal apothecary in the past. And I read several testimonials of men who had survived the same prognosis, and the common denominator was a positive mindset. What I did was allow myself to freak out for only 30 minutes a day. I leaned into the fears and once my time was up, I immediately went into a meditation healing. I cannot stress how important this was in my healing journey. It helped me to step into radical acceptance, and the fears subsided in less than two weeks. I chose life.
Following my intuition and spirit team, friends and clients showed up in ways to support me, and even though I no longer interact with many of them, I am grateful for their contributions to this day. A major part of healing is having a nurturing environment as you do your part, meaning, keep diligent without expectations. Meaning, due the best you can and let the higher powers do the rest. I made peace with the possibility of death after all was said and done, and it actually made the healing process easier. It taught
me to be grateful each day, focus on the things that matter, and to cultivate healthy partnerships.
It all comes down to the energy matrix you're giving your attention to. Of course, there are some diseases that are inherited, as mine was, but it doesn't have to control your outlook. Your mind is a powerful source if you engage with it correctly. It is the control center of our physical existence, not limited to our bodies. We are what we think (feed it) the most about, and feel the strongest within the those thoughts. So make sure you're giving it as many positive points of focus as possible. Maintaining a healthy mindset will create a life worth living, even when the odds are against you.
I recently beat another round of the same cancer that spread to a nearby lymph node. My new urologist has me on two meds that are far less harsh than my first time around, and I'll be fine as long as I continue to take them. Having experience now, I followed suit with self-healing techniques and embracing a pescatarian diet. This is my eight month in remission, and I feel better than I have in years. As a matter of fact, I no longer have to have visit quarterly visits from any of my doctors because my overall health has improved. That's awesome!
The key points of self-healing that work for me are: Radical Acceptance, own whatever you have and face it head on. Let the cards fall where they may.
Exercise Your Will, keep your mind clear of fear, doubt, and negativity. I binged watched comedy, nature documentaries, healing videos on YouTube, and light hearted movies.
Environment, make sure to keep and maintain a healthy that supports healing. This means calm, clean, and order.
Healthy Boundaries, keep people at bay who're disruptive, fearmongers, and don't respect the healing process. This is the most important one. Some people don't handle illness well, and through
no fault of their own, end up making someone sick, sicker.
I hope this will be of help for you or someone you know. Life throws us curve balls like these to learn about ourselves and to teach others, that's why it's a healing journey. Book a session with me on my website link below today if you feel inclined to experience one of my energy healings to kick-start your healing process.
Founder at, Trinity Readings And Healings
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