
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Awakening Begins

Namaste, Y'all,    It's been one hell of a week with the new administration in office. We've never witnessed so much chaos, implosion, and havoc wrecking that is reaching around the globe. All this within the first week. Yet, for the past several years, we've been receiving warning signs and symbols about life as we've come to know it coming to an end. To me, the most interesting part is the level of denial that's being exhibited. People just don't care for the truth and the pain and suffering they've placed on others.  And then there are the victims who are suddenly waking up from their slumber that reality does bite, when you're not consciously aware of your daily affairs, and the powers that be, have been robbing your humanity and security. When are people going to stop placing their complete faith in those who care less about them? Don't you see that a title and high-profile mean absolutely nothing, when you're not part of the equation? I...

Yes, Love Is A Powerful Force

Namaste, Y'all,    I recently had a conversation with a dear soul sister of mine concerning dealing with a difficult person in particular in her circle. This particular individual had shown her true colors, and is now attempting to trigger her to react negatively, so she can feel validated in her own toxic behavior. The advice I gave her seemed counterintuitive at first, but when I further explained it, she understood its value. Below is my take on one of the infinite aspects of love.    In my life experience, the past couple of years have been lessons in setting boundaries and limits with all my relationships, not just the professional, but the personal and platonic. What I've learned is to bring love into the equation, not retaliation. Love is the most powerful force there is. It's what we all were made from and will return to, and have the honor of experiencing with all sentient life forms.  There was a time when I would flinch at the words' forgiveness, comp...

What Is 2025 For You?

Namaste, Y'all,  And welcome to 2025, another year to experience life with more awareness and opportunities for growth than the last. Apart from the events taking place on the world stage, what life lessons from 2024 are taking with you into this year and beyond? Did you have some profound changes due to shifting your perspective (or the powers that be), that left you rethinking, and moving in an entirely new direction? One that you may have considered in the past, but passed up due to fear, and then had a change of heart when the odds were clearly staked in your favor. I know I did.  Setting boundaries and maintaining them was a massive life lesson for me. For years, I've allowed others to opinions, neediness, and toxic projections rule over my authentic self. Being the one who consistently shows up, brings the necessary  things to fix a situation or keep a one-sided union going another mile, only to see it roll back twenty. It was a year of glaring facts, and undeniable...