What Is 2025 For You?

Namaste, Y'all,

 And welcome to 2025, another year to experience life with more awareness and opportunities for growth than the last. Apart from the events taking place on the world stage, what life lessons from 2024 are taking with you into this year and beyond? Did you have some profound changes due to shifting your perspective (or the powers that be), that left you rethinking, and moving in an entirely new direction? One that you may have considered in the past, but passed up due to fear, and then had a change of heart when the odds were clearly staked in your favor. I know I did.
 Setting boundaries and maintaining them was a massive life lesson for me. For years, I've allowed others to opinions, neediness, and toxic projections rule over my authentic self. Being the one who consistently shows up, brings the necessary 
things to fix a situation or keep a one-sided union going another mile, only to see it roll back twenty. It was a year of glaring facts, and undeniable truths I was denying coming home to face. Adulting 101 was in full effect, and the growing pains were no joke. I realized that I've been giving my power away, and making excuses for the those siphoning it.
 Understanding that it was those whom I would never suspect that were the culprits was the most difficult to process. Like the saying goes, you think you know someone. What I was failing to realize is that I didn't know me. I was so caught up in trauma bonding, and playing Rescue Roger, that I dropped my true identity and purpose. You could say that I got lost in the illusion of the delusion of others, excusing their messy behavior for the shit show it really was. It wasn't until I started to retreat and set healthy choices and boundaries did the reveal happen.
 Now I move in an entirely different manner. I know longer ware my heart on my sleeve for anyone to leech off. I'm more selective with those I interact with, and I've learned to keep my plans and even creative ideas quiet. Before, I would act impulsively and share anything that came to mind without regard to who was listening, unaware they were ripping me off or wishing for me to fail. Since being more in my hermit mode, I've accomplished so much and have been able to address key areas of my life I've been ignoring-due to the drama fires I was involved in or witnessing each day. 
 Guru Mai's message for 2025, was simple and yet spot on for me, make your time worth your time. It resonated loud and clear throughout my being, as this clarified and validated my personal experience closing out2024. Because I looked at my quality of life and the time spent wallowing in its toxic waste, Spirit intervened and showed me exactly why I was stuck in a drama-based mindset and showed me how to get to freedom. It was no cakewalk, don't get me wrong. There were moments where I went into total confusion, but I had that resolve to keep on moving (thank goodness) because there's always a light at the end of every tunnel.
 What changes are you open to embracing this year? In which areas do you need radical acceptance? How can you set up boundaries and limits in your life? Who comes to mind in this situation, and what is the underlying tone of your relationship? Are you acting out (projecting) instead of exuding your authentic self? Have you reached a point where your life purpose has become a dim prospect? If you require some spiritual counsel and support, please book a session with me today. 
Ashe, Love, and Light,
Founder @TrinityReadingsAndHealings.com   


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