Yes, Love Is A Powerful Force

Namaste, Y'all,

   I recently had a conversation with a dear soul sister of mine concerning dealing with a difficult person in particular in her circle. This particular individual had shown her true colors, and is now attempting to trigger her to react negatively, so she can feel validated in her own toxic behavior. The advice I gave her seemed counterintuitive at first, but when I further explained it, she understood its value. Below is my take on one of the infinite aspects of love.
   In my life experience, the past couple of years have been lessons in setting boundaries and limits with all my relationships, not just the professional, but the personal and platonic. What I've learned is to bring love into the equation, not retaliation. Love is the most powerful force there is. It's what we all were made from and will return to, and have the honor of experiencing with all sentient life forms. 
There was a time when I would flinch at the words' forgiveness, compassion, and grace regarding addressing toxic partnerships and situations. What I learned over time is these are acts of love, and what the most debased of humanity is longing for. But it comes with a price. The reality of not having it reciprocated, or being used as a weapon of conditions. Both are real, and both can cause emotional pain that can take years to heal.
  Sending love to those who clearly are not in its vibration is the greatest weapon you'll ever wield. For in doing so, you're protecting yourself and giving them the option to embrace it or not. Those who refuse to come from a place of love are operating in dis-ease and refuse to heal it, which is not your problem. We are all responsible for our wellbeing (especially as adults) and accountable for our actions. People who deny themselves the truth will always recycle the suffering they hold within. 
Here's why projections are so powerful. You cannot give to others what you do not have within. How many times have you connected with someone and after a period of time they start exhibiting their true behavior? What was once light and happiness, has now turned to an exercise of restraint and stress. And no amount of support (financial, emotional, and the like) will alleviate the situation. Why? This is who they really are, you were getting a taste of the potential they deny.
  When you have a strong sense of what love is and how it's essential to live a satisfying life, you're not going to go out of your way to create chaos and conflict with others. Having a strong tie with your higher self (God, Allah, Spirit, Source, Supreme Being, etc.) is vital for thriving on this earthly plain. Without it, we fall prey to the lower energies and entities that rule it. This is why having daily meditation/prayer and listening to your intuition helps you to use your discernment and discretion when involved with others. 
  People will reveal themselves either immediately or in a short timeframe if your inner light is tuned into the Divine. They can't help it because it triggers (lights up) their shadow (unconscious wounds that need healing) which is not an easy task. That's where the saying, your light irritates their demons, comes from. Love and light are the same. Where there's love, there is light (truth), and the truth doesn't give a damn about your feelings — it is what it is. So, in short, when you send another love, you're also sending truth that lights up the negativity they reside in. It's a double hitter. You give them back to their true selves, and create a protective space for you. 
 If you're interested in booking a tarot/oracle card reading or having one of my energy healing sessions, copy and paste the link to my website below. 
Ashe, Love, & Happy Healing,
Founder @


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