
Showing posts from February, 2025

Creating A Healthy New World Order

 Namaste, Y’all,   Some of you may be familiar with the 1987 song by R.E.M, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine), and I'll be damned, if those lyrics aren't relevant for today, I don't know what is. With the Age of Aquarius starting to really settle in, we are reminded of its ruling planet, Uranus (sudden change, rebellion, innovation, freedom, originality, and humanitarian ideals). Are we not witnessing and experiencing this on a micro and macro level? The shocking events that have been taking place are a reminder to be aware and to prepare for a future that will serve humanity and the planet Earth.    We're being provided key opportunities to release antiquated systems and limited perceptions about our lives. The patriarchal rule of capitalism, competition, and marginalizing one another is coming to a close, and we must heal this blight in our history. The cycle of accepting comfort in situations and beliefs that are obviously uncomfortable mu...

Accepting The Shifts In The Collective Unconscious

  How are handling the sweeping changes we're moving through? Are they what you expected? Speaking to my experience, it's been one massive eye-opener after the other. I know this is due in part to the global impact of the current administration of the US's behavior. We've never witnessed such outright ruthlessness and disregard for the laws of the land, let alone humanity. It's shown me the importance of paying more attention to the shadow (the unconscious) then I ever had before. This is where the realm spiritual work is really accomplished, and it's not for the faint of heart.   And the results have been pretty spectacular, I must say. Spending time in quiet solitude has afforded me the space to explore some deeply rooted issues that need to be addressed and released. What I've discovered is that my childhood environment was far more intense than I realized. Spirit has been diligently revealing the sources of certain behavior patterns that I was unaware of...