Accepting The Shifts In The Collective Unconscious
How are handling the sweeping changes we're moving through? Are they what you expected? Speaking to my experience, it's been one massive eye-opener after the other. I know this is due in part to the global impact of the current administration of the US's behavior. We've never witnessed such outright ruthlessness and disregard for the laws of the land, let alone humanity. It's shown me the importance of paying more attention to the shadow (the unconscious) then I ever had before. This is where the realm spiritual work is really accomplished, and it's not for the faint of heart.
And the results have been pretty spectacular, I must say. Spending time in quiet solitude has afforded me the space to explore some deeply rooted issues that need to be addressed and released. What I've discovered is that my childhood environment was far more intense than I realized. Spirit has been diligently revealing the sources of certain behavior patterns that I was unaware of. It made my reactions to situations and relationships clearer. My dream landscapes have been delivering key insights and instructions, about healing these toxic ties.
As a result, my daily life has changed radically. I've surrendered the insane amounts of emotional baggage to the Universe, and have dedicated myself to focusing on the present, and not the past. Guilt, victimhood, and martyrdom all no longer my go-to 'safe spaces' when faced with opposition and challenges. After spending decades in discomfort, I finally feel free to be more of my authentic self, instead of playing it safe. No more accommodating the comfort level of others and denying my own. Either we get on, or I'm graciously bowing out.
The only thing that I owe all of humanity is living my truth in word and deed. Period. What they want to do with it, and how they feel about it, is of no longer a concern to me. Far too many people care too much about the opinion and feelings of others who are doing the same damn thing. It's high-time for humanity to wake up from this collective conscious nightmare, and create a new reality. Repeating and rehashing the past no longer supports us.
Fear of evolving and expanding our minds creates a domino effect, which we can no longer afford. And being familiar with something doesn't make it right. Like the saying goes, 'what you resist, persist'. And let's add Buddha's quote: “the only constant thing is change”. So let's dive into the current of conscious change and heal the past negativity and embrace the new possibilities that support all of humanity moving forward. We owe it to ourselves and those coming after us.
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