Creating A Healthy New World Order
Namaste, Y’all,
Some of you may be familiar with the 1987 song by R.E.M, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine), and I'll be damned, if those lyrics aren't relevant for today, I don't know what is. With the Age of Aquarius starting to really settle in, we are reminded of its ruling planet, Uranus (sudden change, rebellion, innovation, freedom, originality, and humanitarian ideals). Are we not witnessing and experiencing this on a micro and macro level? The shocking events that have been taking place are a reminder to be aware and to prepare for a future that will serve humanity and the planet Earth.
We're being provided key opportunities to release antiquated systems and limited perceptions about our lives. The patriarchal rule of capitalism, competition, and marginalizing one another is coming to a close, and we must heal this blight in our history. The cycle of accepting comfort in situations and beliefs that are obviously uncomfortable must end. Our collective consciousness knows this, and this is why we're at this junction today. Life will not afford us to coexist by remaining on paths that lead us to the same dead ends. It's time to think outside the box and embrace beneficial innovations, technology, and healthy governing for the masses.
Our collective consciousness is also exhibiting desires for changes that support our future generations, not just those of us who are living now. Would you feel comfortable living in our present conditions with all the crime, toxic landscapes, wars, and brutal dictatorships in power? Then we must do and be better in moving into a new world order where healing our past issues and pains so we can move on in grace and clarity as a unified front. One thing for certain is, our ancestors would not be pleased with the condition of the planet they left. I believe we owe it to ourselves to become better stewards for those coming after us, whether you're a parent or not. Forgetting where we come from has cost us dearly. We must be more mindful of those who are coming after us moving forward.
In closing, we must take individual responsibility and accountability over the next 20 or so years, as we are at a tipping point. Whatever you can do to bring about positive changes that will support a new mindset for a healthier unified humanity will be a valuable asset. From voting, taking on leadership roles that will foster new ideas, to taking an initiative to living greener and sharing your knowledge and wisdom with others in your community. These are a few examples to get us started and grounded. Do something that inspires movement and growth, instead of waiting and complaining on the sidelines. Now is the time to take action.
If you're inspired by my message and would like to book a tarot/oracle reading or an energy healing, please feel free to do so at the website link below.
Love, Light, & Ashe,
Terry P.
Founder @ Trinity Readings And Healings
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