
My Self-Healing Journey

  Self-healing is a thing. We've witnessed, experienced, heard, and read of stories of our fellow humans healing themselves. From a placebo trial to seeking the service of a faith/psychic healer, healing has been an integral part of our human experience. From a headache to terminal illness, our ability to shift our state of being of dis-ease to full recovery is within our means, but fewer people tap into this powerful gift. Here's a bit of my personal journey that applied to me, as I'm well aware we all respond to life challenges differently when it comes to our health.   I'm a living example of this power. Ten years ago, I was dealt a double dose of devastating news around my 50th birthday, Stage Four Prostate Cancer, and HIV+(undetectable to this day). The cancer news had the biggest blow because it was extremely aggressive. The cancer had reached a point where it was inoperable, and my lab results (the most painful part of all this) validated the positive blood work....

The Blowback Prophecy Is Here

  For the past several months (more like years), we've been receiving messages of profound shifts and changes coming our way, and they're here. Starting with the US election results sending shock waves across the globe, and now to those who voted in favor of the winner (whom I reframe from naming). It's simply astonishing to see the mass buyer's remorse, when the truth was being revealed in plain sight. Now you're mad, and surprised? Too late. You buy it, you won it.  Then we have the climate change deniers. What will it take for them to understand that the millions who've passed away from crazy, catastrophic weather events, from flooding due to extreme rain fall, fire's fueled by unpredictable shifting winds through drought ridden territory's, strong earthquakes volcanic activity. All of this has cost billions in damage, plus the invaluable lives lost.      And in closing, human rights (specifically those in the Trans Community) being scapegoated for so...

Let It All Go

  Life, as we've come to know it, is coming to an end. Many of us light workers and astrologers have been sounding this alarm for the past several years now. And the song by the alternative rock bond, REM, It's the End Of The World As We Know It, is apropos for this junction for humanity more than ever.  We're witnessing a mass shake up and awakening of humanity's consciousness. We're seeing this played out on the world political stage, down to our individual communities. Change is happening, whether we want it or not.  The long held false sense of security and holding to antiquated modes of operating under dogmatic constraints designed to divide for power and greed, are in their death throes.    The masks of those who've been abusing their powers and privilege, are being removed, exposing the dark intentions they've aligned with for centuries on end.  In turn, the blindfolds of the masses are falling away, revealing truths many are not ready for. You...

The Sweet Spot Of Life

                                                                                                                                               If there's one life lesson that I've come to terms with being the absolute truth of the human experience. That is, we get (experience) exactly what we focus and feel the strongest towards. For millennia, humanity has had countless gurus, sages, mystics, and saints teach this, and yet, it ignored due to the ego wanting what it wants without conditions. Meaning, I refuse to take responsibility or accountability for the possible manifestation not living up to my wishes. And the clincher is, ...

Welcome To the New Age

  With the recent US election behind us, I'm reminded of the scripture:  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1st Thessalonians 5:3 KJV) Millions cast their votes for forces that made promises they cannot keep, let alone had any intention of fulfilling. The masks have starting to fall off just as fast as the results. We are now witnessing the implosion of a system that no longer serves the greater good, called greed.   The world has a front row seat of buyer's remorse and incredible choices based upon disinformation and willful ignorance of the masses. Have we not heard the message that life as we've come to know it is ending? Well, here is that Jenga piece that really shifted awake to how much poison the collective conscious of humanity has been consuming.    Now the work begins to release outdated systems and belief structure...