
The Awakening Begins

Namaste, Y'all,    It's been one hell of a week with the new administration in office. We've never witnessed so much chaos, implosion, and havoc wrecking that is reaching around the globe. All this within the first week. Yet, for the past several years, we've been receiving warning signs and symbols about life as we've come to know it coming to an end. To me, the most interesting part is the level of denial that's being exhibited. People just don't care for the truth and the pain and suffering they've placed on others.  And then there are the victims who are suddenly waking up from their slumber that reality does bite, when you're not consciously aware of your daily affairs, and the powers that be, have been robbing your humanity and security. When are people going to stop placing their complete faith in those who care less about them? Don't you see that a title and high-profile mean absolutely nothing, when you're not part of the equation? I...

Yes, Love Is A Powerful Force

Namaste, Y'all,    I recently had a conversation with a dear soul sister of mine concerning dealing with a difficult person in particular in her circle. This particular individual had shown her true colors, and is now attempting to trigger her to react negatively, so she can feel validated in her own toxic behavior. The advice I gave her seemed counterintuitive at first, but when I further explained it, she understood its value. Below is my take on one of the infinite aspects of love.    In my life experience, the past couple of years have been lessons in setting boundaries and limits with all my relationships, not just the professional, but the personal and platonic. What I've learned is to bring love into the equation, not retaliation. Love is the most powerful force there is. It's what we all were made from and will return to, and have the honor of experiencing with all sentient life forms.  There was a time when I would flinch at the words' forgiveness, comp...

What Is 2025 For You?

Namaste, Y'all,  And welcome to 2025, another year to experience life with more awareness and opportunities for growth than the last. Apart from the events taking place on the world stage, what life lessons from 2024 are taking with you into this year and beyond? Did you have some profound changes due to shifting your perspective (or the powers that be), that left you rethinking, and moving in an entirely new direction? One that you may have considered in the past, but passed up due to fear, and then had a change of heart when the odds were clearly staked in your favor. I know I did.  Setting boundaries and maintaining them was a massive life lesson for me. For years, I've allowed others to opinions, neediness, and toxic projections rule over my authentic self. Being the one who consistently shows up, brings the necessary  things to fix a situation or keep a one-sided union going another mile, only to see it roll back twenty. It was a year of glaring facts, and undeniable...

The End Times Are Here

This year has been one of the most challenging and eye-opening for the records, and I know I speak for many of you reading this entry. We've witnessed global shifts and changes we never thought possible, as well as deep personal twists and turns within our personal life experiences. The pressure to conform to antiquated ways has been eroding before our eyes.  Governments, deep seeded cultural expectations, and restrictive religious belief systems, are under heavy criticism to reform or just disappear.  We now have fe armongering and bullying on the rise as the powers that be, scramble for control of the masses who are fed up and are demanding equality and justice for eons of oppression and suppression. Many of us have seen this time coming, while others have been willfully ignoring the signs. It's been very fascinating watching the reactions and hearing the reasons for excuses  games is strong, as the past red flag warnings are now painful reminders.  One thing for s...

Cold Moon, Cold Facts

I don't know about y'all reading this, but this recent full moon in Gemini, called the Cold Moon, is one for the records. Not only will be feeling the effects of Mercury Retrograde until January 1st of 2025, we have Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Chiron in play bringing up long forgotten issues, and unmasking hidden agendas and secrets. We see this on the global and local news, as well as in our own individual environments. All of these planets are wreaking havoc on the global consciousness of humanity. The great awakening is in full effect. It's amazing to see the results and impact of the US election has on the world stage.   If this year has taught me one thing, that thing is the importance of setting healthy boundaries and sticking with them. In the Tarot, there's a card titled Queen of Swords. She represents standing in one's truth and not giving audience to those who don't. She's been through enough relationships to see that people will exploit her kindnes...

My Self-Healing Journey

  Self-healing is a thing. We've witnessed, experienced, heard, and read of stories of our fellow humans healing themselves. From a placebo trial to seeking the service of a faith/psychic healer, healing has been an integral part of our human experience. From a headache to terminal illness, our ability to shift our state of being of dis-ease to full recovery is within our means, but fewer people tap into this powerful gift. Here's a bit of my personal journey that applied to me, as I'm well aware we all respond to life challenges differently when it comes to our health.   I'm a living example of this power. Ten years ago, I was dealt a double dose of devastating news around my 50th birthday, Stage Four Prostate Cancer, and HIV+(undetectable to this day). The cancer news had the biggest blow because it was extremely aggressive. The cancer had reached a point where it was inoperable, and my lab results (the most painful part of all this) validated the positive blood work....

The Blowback Prophecy Is Here

  For the past several months (more like years), we've been receiving messages of profound shifts and changes coming our way, and they're here. Starting with the US election results sending shock waves across the globe, and now to those who voted in favor of the winner (whom I reframe from naming). It's simply astonishing to see the mass buyer's remorse, when the truth was being revealed in plain sight. Now you're mad, and surprised? Too late. You buy it, you won it.  Then we have the climate change deniers. What will it take for them to understand that the millions who've passed away from crazy, catastrophic weather events, from flooding due to extreme rain fall, fire's fueled by unpredictable shifting winds through drought ridden territory's, strong earthquakes volcanic activity. All of this has cost billions in damage, plus the invaluable lives lost.      And in closing, human rights (specifically those in the Trans Community) being scapegoated for so...